Welcome to week 7. This week you will be working on a fantastic Christmas song that combines chords with the melody for the solo part using tab. If you are unfamiliar with how to read tab, please downloafd the PDF below and watch the video. This was covered in level 1.

BLUE CHRISTMAS was originally recorded by Elvis back in the 1950's. You can download the full UCL arrangement from our BANDCAMP page. All proceeds will go towards our fundraising efforts this festive season.
Have a listen to the tab video demo below at 70BPM and see if you can make sense of the timing of the notes. On the tab sheet and in class you will be guided through which fingers to use to pluck each of the notes by the pink capital letters, and in brackets, the fingers to fret the specified notes with for ease of playing. Have a warm up with the C Major scale below before starting the tab exercise.
Have a listen to the tab video demo below at 70BPM and see if you can make sense of the timing of the notes. On the tab sheet and in class you will be guided through which fingers to use to pluck each of the notes by the pink capital letters, and in brackets, the fingers to fret the specified notes with for ease of playing. Have a warm up with the C Major scale below before starting the tab exercise.
The demo video tab below contains the solo tab only at 70BPM. Have a go and make sure you can move around the fretboard hitting the correct notes before speeding up. Ideally you should use a metronome and speed up by 5BPM when you feel confident at the slower speeds.
Here is the solo played at 100 BPM:
The audio track below consists of the chords, vocals and solo part.
The video tutorials will appear here within 24 hours of your class taking place so check back in soon.