This week you will explore a range of strumming patterns using a Doo-Wop chord progression that works with many songs from the 1950s and beyond. From this progression you will explore a 10 song mashup.
The Doo-Wop mashup contains just 4 chords with 2 beats per chord and can be played over a two bar sequence. Doo-wop is a genre of rhythm and blues music that originated in African-American communities during the late 1940s, early 1950's mainly in the large cities of the United States and can be characterised by vocal group harmonies, a simple beat and light instrumentation.
The chord progression you will explore this week contains: C - Am - F - G7. The songs contained in this mashup range from the doo-wop era of the 1950's along with more current pop hits from the 1990's that use a similar progression. You will be using a range of variations on these chords, with some picking patterns and melody lines.
The chord progression you will explore this week contains: C - Am - F - G7. The songs contained in this mashup range from the doo-wop era of the 1950's along with more current pop hits from the 1990's that use a similar progression. You will be using a range of variations on these chords, with some picking patterns and melody lines.
Have a listen to each of the songs contained in the mashup:
Section 1: EARTH ANGEL (The Penguins)
Section 2: TEARS ON MY PILLOW (Little Anthony & The Imperials)
Section 3: I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU (Dolly Parton - Chorus)
Section 4: DONNA (Richie Valens)
Section 5: ETERNAL FLAME (The Bangles)
Section 6: A LALALA LONG (Bob Marley)
Section 7: MYSTERIOUS GIRL (Peter Andre)
Section 8: BLUE MOON (The Marcels)
Section 9: ALL I HAVE TO DO IS DREAM (Everly Borthers)
Section 10: MYSTERIOUS GIRL (Peter Andre)
Section 11: ALALA LONG (Bob Marley)
Section 1: EARTH ANGEL (The Penguins)
Section 2: TEARS ON MY PILLOW (Little Anthony & The Imperials)
Section 3: I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU (Dolly Parton - Chorus)
Section 4: DONNA (Richie Valens)
Section 5: ETERNAL FLAME (The Bangles)
Section 6: A LALALA LONG (Bob Marley)
Section 7: MYSTERIOUS GIRL (Peter Andre)
Section 8: BLUE MOON (The Marcels)
Section 9: ALL I HAVE TO DO IS DREAM (Everly Borthers)
Section 10: MYSTERIOUS GIRL (Peter Andre)
Section 11: ALALA LONG (Bob Marley)
This video will be uploaded within 24 hours of the class session.
The audio play along tracks will appear here within 24 hours of your first class taking place and are a great way to help with home practice.
DOO-WOP MASHUP: L3 Part Only w/click @ 60BPM
DOO-WOP MASHUP: L3 & L2 part with Melody w/click @ 60BPM