Welcome to the penultimate week of your course and congratulations on making it this far. This week you will complete your final rehearsals in preparation for the UCL Summer Celebration and also the Summer Strum Festival, but more about that next week.
Please note the Wednesday class session will take place at 6pm this week.
You will have the opportunity to attend 3 rehearsals this week as follows:
Obviously you don't have to attend all rehearsal sessions, but you are very welcome too if you can spare the time and think it would help improve your performance. It's also a great way to meet the rest of the gang before the main event.
The running order for the UCL Celebration will go a little something like this:
@Sefton Park Cricket Club, Thursday 7th July 2022.
Please note the Wednesday class session will take place at 6pm this week.
You will have the opportunity to attend 3 rehearsals this week as follows:
- Tuesday @ 6.15pm via ZOOM - Meeting ID: 881 9967 8575 / Passcode: 514067
- Wednesday @ 6.00pm at UCL HQ where you will be joined by the level 2 group
- Thursday @ 6.00pm at UCL HQ where you will be joined by level 2's and the other level 3 group
Obviously you don't have to attend all rehearsal sessions, but you are very welcome too if you can spare the time and think it would help improve your performance. It's also a great way to meet the rest of the gang before the main event.
The running order for the UCL Celebration will go a little something like this:
@Sefton Park Cricket Club, Thursday 7th July 2022.
- 7.30pm - DOORS OPEN
- 7.50pm - WELCOME & WARM UP JAM (Anyone Else But You, Hound Dog, Folsom Prison)
- 8.10pm - UCL KIDS & LEVEL 2+3 (Brown Eyed Girl, Space Oddity, Be My Baby)
- 8.20pm - UCL LEVEL 2+3 (Dreaming,, Rock N Roll Medley & Crazy Little Thing Called Love)
- 8.40pm - UCL LEVEL 1 (You Are My Sunshine, Three Little Birds, Don’t Worry What’s Up)
- 9.00pm - BREAK
- 9.10pm - MA MACHETES (live set)
- 9.30pm - RAFFLE
- 10.00pm - SPLINTERED UKES (live set)
As you are probably aware by now, you will be teaming up with the level 2 group for the final performances this term and you may be surprised to know that our young people in the UCL Kids Club have been learning these songs too and doing a great job at it. They will perform first three tracks but may be willing to do the complete set if feeling brave enough.
Below are the rehearsal recordings from last week. Not bad for a first rehearsal together. You can listen to all tracks individually and download the full set by clicking the button below. It may be a good idea to download to your mobile device so you can have a listen as often as possible. even if just to practice the vocals whilst out and about. We will work on tightening up all vocal parts this week but so far, so good! Nice work.
Below are the rehearsal recordings from last week. Not bad for a first rehearsal together. You can listen to all tracks individually and download the full set by clicking the button below. It may be a good idea to download to your mobile device so you can have a listen as often as possible. even if just to practice the vocals whilst out and about. We will work on tightening up all vocal parts this week but so far, so good! Nice work.
All 5 songs are included in the full set which runs at 19mins 22 seconds, leaving little room for manoeuvre in between songs for the allocated 20 minute sets, so please make sure you have all of your song sheets in order before hitting the stage for live performances.
Can all members please complete the form below. Thanks.