Welcome to Week 4
This week you will explore some theory (C Major Scale) and two part tab and chord arrangement of Amazing Grace.
Finger gym @ 90BPM
C Major Scale
The C major scale is a great way to develop finger picking independence and is key to picking melody notes out for riffs and solos later on. During week 6-10 this will be your next finger gym project at various speeds. The notes of any major scale can be sang with the solfeggio note names below (Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti-Do) Think Sound Of Music and your half way there!
C A G E - Finger Picking Pattern
The CAGE finger picking pattern is best practice using the open strings to get started. You are literally spelling out the notes of each of the open strings starting on C (pluck with thumb) then to A at the bottom (pluck with middle finger) back to the top for G (Thumb) and finish on the E (index finger) then repeat at least 10 - 20 times until you are feeling confident with the pattern before trying it with some of the chords shapes.
MELODY (Picking Part) Amazing Grace is a two-part arrangement for melody and rhythm. The song is in 3/4 time signature and is in the key of F Major. It has 4 chords, F, Bb, C and C7. The video below if for the melody only.
STRUMMING: The song uses a 3/4 strumming pattern as illustrated below for each bar.
There is a two bar count in for the strumming pattern. Have a go at 70BPM then try it at 80BPM. You may find it slightly easier to play at the faster pace once you get used to the chord changes.
There is a two bar count in for the strumming pattern. Have a go at 70BPM then try it at 80BPM. You may find it slightly easier to play at the faster pace once you get used to the chord changes.