nukesfest_2014_comic.pdf |
Fast forward to the Saturday morning around 7am...I crawled out of the tent to see some of the UCL gang played out on blankets strumming away gently to the fresh summer breeze. I emerged from the tent a bit fuzzy headed to be greeted with a nice cup of tea from a fellow UCLer who had pretty much packed a whole kitchen facility. I was in heaven...that was until a gruff Scouse voice appeared in the air demanding to know "Which one of you is Elaine Kinsella". My heart sank. Oh no - did something happen amongst the hazy spell that was about to get me in trouble? A man appeared from behind the tent as fingers stated to point in my direction from the blanket zone. I sank into my camp chair and as he looked me in the eye with a very stern face, I cowardly pointed to Laura sitting to my left. She panicked so I stood up and boldly asked...."Who's asking?" to which the reply came! "Alright queen I'm yer Dad's mate Ged!". The legendary Ged I didn't believe actually existed was standing right in front of me. Ged from the Splintered Ukes?" I asked. "Yer we came to complain about the noise last night...". Silence filled the air, then the laughter came!! True Scouse fashion, I could tell he was an Evertonian. He invited us to join them later for a jam at the which we obliged.
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